Rudy Blanco

Rudy Blanco

Rudy Blanco is currently the Digital Learning Coordinator at The Dreamyard Preparatory School in the Bronx, New York.

Brief Biography

Rudy worked as a Special Education teacher at the Dreamyard Preparatory School for 3 years before taking on the role of Digital Learning Coordinator at the school through the Dreamyard Project. As Digital Learning Coordinator, Rudy is responsible for coordinating, integrating and implementing digital and technological initiatives at DYP. By collaborating with teachers across all grades and departments,Rudy has a unique opportunity to see what the technological needs of the teachers and of the students are. Currently, Rudy is collaborating on a Learning Portfolio project with Dreamyard Project, Dreamyard Preparatory School and Parsons The New School for Design where he serves as the Liason between the educators and the Portfolio design team. 

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