Marita Diffenbaugh

Marita Diffenbaugh

Marita Diffenbaugh serves the Boise School District in Idaho as a K-12 Instructional Technology Manager.

Brief Biography

Marita Diffenbaugh serves the Boise School District, as a K-12 Instructional Technology Manager. She has 14 years of experience with teaching in the classroom, at a variety of grade levels. Technology plays an important role in Marita’s practice, as she seeks to create classroom environments that are connected to the world. She began her journey to integrate media and technology into her teaching about 12 years ago. Since then she has a completed a master’s degree from National University in Educational Technology. Marita represents Idaho on Leadership Councils for both Discovery Education and iCivics, and she has presented and collaborated with educators and students at a local, national, and international level.

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