Kim Hoffman Kanof

Kim Hoffman Kanof

Kim is a Social Studies Teacher at Madison High School in Portland, Oregon.

Brief Biography

Kimberly Hoffman Kanof began her career in DC Public Schools by earning her teaching certification at American University and teaching in Anacostia. She continued teaching a diverse population of Boston youth in Roxbury, MA. Currently, she’s teaching Social Studies in Portland, Oregon at Madison High School. Some of her students do not have access to computers or internet at home. To improve student access to tech, Kim started an after school computer science club with her husband. Her school recently received a grant to pilot the use of ipads and chromebooks in the classroom.

Professional development and online PLC’s keep her energized. She's currently attending Lewis and Clark College to obtain a Reading Specialist Endorsement and is participating in the Oregon Writing Project. Kim enjoys integrating meaningful technology to take learning outside of the classroom.

You can read Kim Kanof’s professional blog at

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