Esther Wojcicki

Esther Wojcicki

Esther is a journalism and English teacher at Palo Alto High School. She is also Vice Chair of the Creative Commons Board of Directors and CEO of ClassBadges.

Brief Biography

Esther Wojcicki has been teaching Journalism and English at Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, California for the past 30 years, where she has been the driving force behind the development of its award-winning journalism program, which is now the largest in the U.S. with 600 students and five teachers. She is also the Vice Chair of Creative Commons Board of Directors, Chair of PBS Learning Matters, CEO of and a leader in the intersection of education and technology for years. She worked as the Google educational consultant and helped design the Google Teacher Outreach program, which includes the website and the Google Teacher Academy. She also advises EdSurge. 

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