Daniel Mollenkamp

Daniel Mollenkamp

Daniel Mollenkamp is a reporter at EdSurge. Email: daniel@edsurge.com.

Brief Biography

Daniel Mollenkamp is a reporter at EdSurge.

He has written about public policy for years, with an emphasis on its social and economic effects across many beats, including inequality, foreign policy and the platform economy. For several years, he was a correspondent for foreign publications covering emerging sectors: during which time he covered cannabis, vaping and gene editing tech.

He also serves on the board of Abukloi Foundation, a nonprofit that runs a secondary school in Rumbek, South Sudan. And he's a private history teacher.

Previously published in: The Christian Science Monitor, Investopedia, Tennessee Lookout, Diplomatic Courier, newspapers across the U.S. and policy publications around the world.

Articles Written by Daniel Mollenkamp

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