Chrissy Romano-Arrabito

Chrissy Romano-Arrabito

Chrissy is a veteran teacher with over 24 years experience with students in elementary and middle school.

Brief Biography

Chrissy is a veteran teacher with over 25 years experience with students in elementary and middle school. She has spent the bulk of her career teaching in Hackensack where she was born and raised. She graduated from Rutgers University with a double major in Sociology and Psychology and went on to complete the Teacher Certification program and earned a Masters in Counseling from William Paterson University.

She is dedicated to teaching the whole child as well as stimulating and supporting innovation in classrooms. Chrissy continues to be passionate about teaching and infusing technology to engage and motivate students.

Her speciality is G-Suite for Education and effectively integrating tech tools into the ELA classroom. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and provides educational consulting and Google training to educators in the tri-state area.

She is a co-host of #CoffeeEdu, an informal monthly gathering of educators, in Westwood, New Jersey, co-director of NJASCD North, a lead organizer of EdCampNJ and overall EdCamp enthusiast!

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