Carl Hooker

Carl Hooker

Educator | Speaker | Consultant | Author | Entrepreneur | Podcast Host

Brief Biography

Carl Hooker has been a part of a strong educational shift with technology integration since becoming an educator. During his 24 years in education, he has held a wide range of roles. From teacher to administrator, he’s always had one common belief—that kids need to drive their own learning. He realizes the challenges in our current educational institutions and meets them head on. His unique blend of educational background, technical expertise and humor make him a successful driving force for this change.

Carl is the author of a six-part book series titled "Mobile Learning Mindset." These books focus on a different stakeholder and the role they play in a successful mobile learning initiative. His newest book "Ready, Set, FAIL!" focuses on strategies and techniques for educators to unlock creativity by risk-taking and embracing failure.

Aside from his work as an author and educational leader, Carl also works as a keynote speaker and consultant through his company HookerTech, LLC, as well as an advisor with multiple edtech companies, such as Linewize, Classlink, Bulb, Rex Academy and Trashbots. He is a National Faculty Member Emeritus for Future Ready Schools and has been named Tech & Learning Magazine’s Leader of the Year, as well as being a member of the Apple Distinguished Educator class of 2013. He’s the host of three podcasts: ISTE’s “Learning Unleashed,” Future Ready’s “UnDisrupted” and "Forward to Different" podcast. He's also the co-founder of—a social media network for educators.

He's a regular keynote and featured speaker at state and national conferences and events. Carl is also the primary emcee/host of the Tech & Learning LIVE regional summits as well as EdSurge/ISTE's monthly webinar series.

Follow his blog: Hooked On Innovation.

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