Common Core Concerns

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Common Core Concerns

By Betsy Corcoran (Columnist)     Jun 4, 2013

Common Core Concerns

This article is part of the guide: Education Technology 101: From Assessments to Zombies.

Rumbling concerns about the rollout of the Common Core are getting louder. The Washington Post reports that Tea Party activists are getting worked up about what they see as too much federal government involvement in education.

Other voices have also raised questions about how Common Core standards--and particularly the assessments associated with them--will be rolled out. Here are a few:

That's a spaghetti bowl of concerns. Stripping out the political motivations, the theme that comes through most clearly in such critiques is the role of the assessments. Unfortunately, the development of the assessments seems somewhat out of sync with the standards themselves. Amplifying that concern is the growing frustration that people have with the amount of time schools are already devoting to testing.

Plenty of educators have talked about the strengths of the Common Core. What we seem to need is some innovative thinking around how to make use of the power of the standards without getting sideswiped by issues that have little to do with inspiring learning.

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